Recreational Activities
The Catholic Children's Home is committed to providing the best possible care to the youth we serve. Recreation has been proven to help youth manage stress, reduce depression, develop and maintain social skills, improves sense of self image, enhances problem solving skills as well as improves physical fitness. Youth who are in residential care are involved in a wide variety of therapeutic and recreational activities.
The Catholic Children's Home has been a long standing member of the Illinois Inter-Agency Athletic Association (IIAA). The IIAA allows youth to participate in organized sports such as basketball, bowling, track, softball, soccer, swimming and volleyball. The IIAA emphasizes sportsmanship but also provides a unique opportunity to focus on team building skills, self steem issues, and anger management. The youth learn the fundametnals of each sport as well as the benefits of hard work, commitment and team work. The youth participate in home and away games with other residential facilities through-out the state as well as participate in conference and state tournaments.

Champions of Hope
There is nothing more heart-breaking than a child who is frightened, confused, angry, and physically damaged. These children want nothing more than to feel safe and cared for. Unfortunately, the mistreatment they have suffered leaves them hesitant and distrustful. Many have experienced and witnessed horrors that no child should ever have to endure. These children come to the Catholic Children’s Home in need of food, shelter, clothing, medical care, education and counseling.
At every turn the world has shown darkness and tragedy that, for a child, is heavy and unbearable. The unthinkable nightmare of not having enough to eat, sleeping on the street, and shivering in the rain are the reality of the youth that come to the Catholic Children’s Home. It is no wonder that children that enter through our doors are angry, frustrated and hopeless. Imagine that broken child not knowing where to turn or whom to trust. Imagine that child not knowing what it feels like to be safe. Imagine that child not knowing where to find the light.
The Catholic Children’s Home has a long history of caring for lost, hurting children. For the past 137 years, it has been the mission of the Catholic Children’s Home to serve and provide for the needs of these youth that have been cast aside by society. But, most importantly, the Catholic Children’s Home has been that caring, patient hand that helps guide these lost children to a brighter place.
The children of CCH come to us from various backgrounds and situations. The one thing that they all have in common is that they know what it is like to live with abuse, neglect, and abandonment. This has been their sad reality. Many have no parents or parents who are incapable or unwilling to care for them properly. All of the children at CCH suffer from self-esteem issues, severe behavioral problems and hopelessness.
Through your continued support we have been able to touch and improve the lives of thousands of children. Unfortunately, the work to save our youth continues. I am asking you to consider making a donation to the Catholic Children’s Home to support our efforts to continue to care for these precious children. We cannot allow these children to continue to suffer.
Thank you for your consideration
Michael Shelton-Montez
Champions of Hope
Champions of Hope